Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
SANTOSHA ~ Contentment ~
The Niyamas Series: 2 of 5
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 51
~ "Contentment is falling in love with your life.” - Swami Rama ~
Welcome to this series on the Niyamas. Niyama is Sanskrit for “rules, guidelines, or observances.” Niyamas appear in Hindu and Buddhist texts, and they are best known as the second limb of the eight limbs of yoga, as described in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.
In Indian traditions, particularly Yoga, Niyamas and their complement, Yamas, are recommended activities and habits for healthy living, spiritual enlightenment, and a liberated state of existence.
The five niyamas the focus of this series ~ are constructive tools for cultivating happiness and self-confidence; the opportunity to practice and live in the balance of each of these arises in almost every moment day.
The five Niyamas are practices to be nurtured and cultivated. They will remain with us throughout our lives taking us ever deeper into the subtle realms of our being, moving us closer to the stillness inside.
The Niyamas as spiritual and practical teachings lead us beyond the body (in our activity and our asanas) and our mind (in meditation). Without them, samadhi ~ a state of joyful calm, or even of rapture and beatitude, in which one maintains full mental alertness and acuity ~ would be an impossible dream.
I also invite to check out my 5-part series on the Yamas next. These are moral disciplines that transcend all world religions as guiding us to live of our light and our highest self. I will leave links for this series in the description.
In this episode I cite and also quote directly from Deborah Adele’s book: The Yamas and Niyamas. Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practice. Her wise words guide us into the practical and the spiritual as we explore the significance of the focus of this episode and the niyama santosha or “contentment” as well as “delight, happiness, joy.”
Santosha invites us into contentment by taking refuge in a calm centre, opening our hearts in gratitude for what we do have, and practising the paradox of ‘not seeking’.
'Not seeking' as not needing to be seeking and grasping whilst missing out on what is right in front of us ~ and often what is pure perfection.
While there is always a place and a need to look forward and plan the future, it is equally important to measure this with the balance of enjoying what is right here and now and directly in front of us. This is how we cultivate contentment for ‘what is’.
Along with getting ready for the next thing we seek, we tend to look at people’s lives and then decide what is missing from our own, rather than appreciate what we have.
When we compare ourselves to others and envy them, we move ourselves into a state of lack and disappointment. This moves us further away from feeling contentment, complete, and whole.
Contentment arises out of acceptance—of life, of ourselves, and of whatever life is offering to us in the present.
If you live the practice of Santosha ~ life would instantly be happier, easier, better, and with far more freedom to enjoy ‘what is’.
When we are content, we are happy. Thus—and here is the practice of this niyama—through the power of contentment, happiness becomes our choice.
Please join me in this beautiful practice. Send me a note! Let me know how you are living the practice of santosha in your life.
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, connect with me here: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More WISDOM and resources on the Niyamas:
* The Yamas & Niyamas [Book by Deborah Adele]
* APARIGRAHA ~ Non-Attachment [Podcast S3 E47] * The Yamas Series: 5/5
* BRAHMACHARYA ~ Non-Excess [Podcast S3 E45] * The Yamas Series: 4/5
* ASTEYA ~ Non-Stealing [Podcast S3 E43] * The Yamas Series: 3/5
* SATYA ~ Truthfulness [Podcast S3 E41] * The Yamas Series: 2/5
* AHIMSA ~ Nonviolence [Podcast S3 E39] * The Yamas Series: 1/5
* How Do I Become Whole? [Podcast Episode S2 E56]
* Forgiveness IS F R E E D O M [Podcast Episode S3 E35]
* Self-Love is 'Being Love' [Podcast Episode S3 E29]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1 Episode 1]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Sunday May 08, 2022
ASTEYA ~ Non-Stealing | The Yamas Series: 3/5 | The WISDOM podcast | S3 E43
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
ASTEYA ~ Non-stealing ~
The Yamas Series: 3 of 5
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 43
~ If you have everything and if you have the ability to have everything, you will never be in need. ~
Welcome to this episode and the third of a five-part series on the yamas. Yamas are the first limb of yoga in the Ashtanga yoga system.
The literal translation of the word Yama in Sanskrit is “restraint”. Religious texts of Hinduism and Jainism outline five yamas.
In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, asteya is described as the emptiness that is caused by a deep loss, unfulfilled desire, and the resulting lack or insecurity, jealousy or resentment that we focus on rather than looking inward ~ which always guides us to what we can and still need to do to support our well being; and to feel fulfilled, content, peaceful, and joyful.
According to the teachings in the Yoga Sutra (2.37), when we perfect the principle of asteya, riches comes to us. Although material wealth may unexpectedly appear when we need it, true spiritual wealth comes when we’re complete and whole within ourselves.
We don’t need to envy or take from others – whether in their time, their energy, or to seek attention and approval in order to feel good about ourselves.
We can rest in the unconditional love and wisdom that resides within us and experience the wholeness of our true self.
From this sense of inner fulfillment, we naturally want to give to others rather than to take from them.
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, connect with me here: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More WISDOM and Non-violence:
* My Sacred Life: An 'I AM' Meditation [A Meditation to support your Asteya practice]
* APARIGRAHA ~ Non-Attachment [Podcast S3 E47] * The Yamas Series: 5/5
* BRAHMACHARYA ~ Non-Excess [Podcast S3 E45] * The Yamas Series: 4/5
* ASTEYA ~ Non-Stealing [Podcast S3 E43] * The Yamas Series: 3/5
* SATYA ~ Truthfulness [Podcast S3 E41] * The Yamas Series: 2/5
* AHIMSA ~ Nonviolence [Podcast S3 E39] * The Yamas Series: 1/5
* The Violence We Cause Others 'ask dorothy' [Podcast Episode S3 E40]
* Yoga International [Article by Irene Petryszak ]
* The Yamas & Niyamas [Book by Deborah Adele]
* How Do I Become Whole? [Podcast Episode S2 E56]
* Forgiveness IS F R E E D O M [Podcast Episode S3 E35]
* Self-Love is 'Being Love' [Podcast Episode S3 E29]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1 Episode 1]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday May 03, 2022
The Truth Sets You Free | ’ask dorothy’ | Q and A | The WISDOM podcast | S3 E42
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
The Truth Sets You Free
'ask dorothy'
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 42
~ Truth will lead you out of darkness because it is in illuminating ‘what is’ that you then may in the very next moment, find your path again and into the light. ~
This episode picks up where we left on last in our discussion of the five Yamas – moral disciplines that are recorded in the ancient philosophical texts of the Yoga Sutras and here I dive into some ‘Q and A’ on the topic of truth.
Truthfulness or ‘Satya’ is the second yama or limb of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and this moral vow holds many secrets for how we can free ourselves from our suffering.
There are many ways that truth finds you. As much as some may avoid truth’s yearnings you can never avoid or deny its huge revelations.
I’m going to let you in on a huge secret to what will always bring joy into your life and for what will always reassure you – to live honourably – to feel supported in your decisions – and to always guide you along a right path.
Satya the Sanskrit word for truth is the definitive ground. It is what supports and upholds all of your faithful decisions. It is truth that compels you to seek change and to honour what you stand for and believe in.
Truth is how you create relations and connection and how you show yourself to be trustworthy and reliable. You need to know ‘what is’ true with accuracy and factual information in order to make the right and best decisions.
Truth is not always easy. It is not always what you want to hear or know especially if what is desired is something different. Let me say here that the truth will always be what you need to know.
You can work with truth. You can find your way to your right answers when you have the correct and accurate information.
Making a decision of any importance needs to rest upon knowing the truth.
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, connect with me here: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More WISDOM and Truth:
* APARIGRAHA ~ Non-Attachment [Podcast S3 E47] * The Yamas Series: 5/5
* BRAHMACHARYA ~ Non-Excess [Podcast S3 E45] * The Yamas Series: 4/5
* ASTEYA ~ Non-Stealing [Podcast S3 E43] * The Yamas Series: 3/5
* SATYA ~ Truthfulness [Podcast S3 E41] * The Yamas Series: 2/5
* AHIMSA ~ Nonviolence [Podcast S3 E39] * The Yamas Series: 1/5
* The Violence We Cause Others 'ask dorothy' [Podcast Episode S3 E40]
* The Path of Truth [Podcast Episode S1 E1 Part 1/3]
* The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice [Book by Deborah Adele]
* How Do I Become Whole? [Podcast Episode S2 E56]
* Forgiveness IS F R E E D O M [Podcast Episode S3 E35]
* Self-Love is 'Being Love' [Podcast Episode S3 E29]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1 Episode 1]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Self-Discipline Is Your Superpower ’ask dorothy’ | The WISDOM podcast | S3 E38
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
'ask dorothy'
Self-Discipline Is Your Superpower | A Real Life Client Story
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 38
- Self-discipline is you acting on your greater conscience to do the right thing – for yourself and in any situation. -
I think of self-discipline as a superpower because it is precisely what brings the inertia into the present moment for you to take action. It is what stops the chatter of the mind and overrides the old scripts that you replay with new language, the determination that says quite instinctively, “I can do this” and “I am doing this.”
Self-discipline could be exactly what you are missing and what keeps you from living your life in the way that you deeply desire.
So to ask yourself: ‘How self-disciplined am I?’ Be wholly honest with your answer. and ‘Where in my life do I need to be more self-disciplined and how?’ These make great journal prompts for you to better self-examine the areas of your life that need self-discipline.
Self-discipline is so important that it is the single identifying criteria as to whether you get things done and in a timely manner.
Self-discipline stops the procrastination effect and the relinquishing of responsibility and it is the solution if you’ve ever struggled with unproductive or self-sabotaging habits that limit your potential.
In this episode we take a deep dive into the mechanisms that you need to build self-discipline; including how to up level your self-discipline in a way that supercharges your decisions and the actions you take ~ to support you in all of the best practices that you will live.
And if you are a parent, this episode will be helpful as it reminds you of the importance of setting the right example because your children will see the incongruity between what you say and what you do. Your actions speak louder than your words. Your children will learn the habits that you hold including a lack of self-discipline.
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honour your path and your life.
To help you up level your self-discipline, please let me help you live your truth.
*The name of my client and the names of her parents have been changed to maintain confidentiality.
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More Self-Discipline and w i s d o m:
* Why You Need Self-Mastery ['ask dorothy' Podcast Episode S3 E8]
* Self-Regulation IS Self-Mastery ['ask dorothy' Podcast Episode S2E63]
* The Power of Self-Honesty. How Honest Are You Willing To Be? [Podcast Episode S3 E13]
* The Intention You Bring to All You Do Is How You Live in Happiness [Podcast Episode S2 E61]
* How to Live As Love [YouTube Video]
* The Kindness Challenge [Read The WISDOM BLOG post here]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Shedding The Inauthentic Self
An Experience Into Wholeness
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 37
~ The inauthentic parts of you are those parts that you are not happy with. ~
A Mantra: 0-1:56 | Podcast Theme Intro: 1:57 | The Inauthentic Parts Defined: 3:24 | How to Feel Whole and Complete: 5:41 | Reclaim All of Who You Truly Are ~ A Visualization Experience: 6:46 | Podcast Theme Outro: 23:14
This episode begins with a mantra to help you begin the energetic release of the aspects of you that you no longer wish to be ~ as you reclaim your wholeness with the behaviors, attitude, and beliefs that best represent your highest self.
Here we do some very cool shape-shifting towards living whole and of your authentic self.
It’s time to break free from what aspects of yourself are inauthentic ~ that is ~ what has never served you.
We learn so much from the external world that does not serve who we truly are and all that we desire to be.
What traits, behaviors, mindset is not wholly kind and loving is also not authentic.
As humans we all experience moments when we are living out of our dark side ~ the inauthentic part of our self, largely ingrained with the ego’s need to be right, to be in competition with or better than another – and the desire to find approval and importance when really you already have everything you need to be monumental in your life ~ and true to your highest good.
“Release what you will no longer be – the antithesis of something is something better.”
Shedding the inauthentic self is releasing what is not wanted. This is replaced with a return to embracing what you truly are at your core. The new behaviors, mindset, thoughts, and actions all contribute to feeling whole and complete ~ as you are.
In releasing the cycles of your past, you are free to live whole ~ and true to yourself ~ all that is built upon what you are ~ that is pure goodness, grace, kindness, love, inspired to create and to thrive, and the ability to appreciate all of life’s beautiful moments in the present.
If you would like my help in your journey of living authentic, please reach out to me. namaste! 🙏
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, connect with me here: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More Self-Authenticity...
* The Three Secrets of Manifesting [Podcast Episode S1 E8]
* The Power of Self-Honesty: How Honest Are You Willing to Be? [Podcast Episode S3 E13]
* How Do I Become Whole? [Podcast Episode S2 E56]
* Forgiveness IS F R E E D O M [Podcast Episode S3 E35]
* Self-Love is 'Being Love' [Podcast Episode S3 E29]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1 Episode 1]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
'ask dorothy'
What is Your Path of Joy? | A Real Life Client Story
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 36
- The beauty of joy is that it acts as a road map for the expression of happiness and the inner fulfillment that honors your heart in light of your moment by moment choices. -
Podcast Theme Intro: 0-1:32 | An Intro to this Episode and A Memory of 'Joy' of My Life: | What is Your Path of Joy? Question For Your Contemplation: 2:53 | My Client Sarah*: 5:04 | Sarah's Path of Joy: 6:42 | How Joy is Experienced: 9:10 | How Sarah Would Reclaim Her Path of Joy: 9:55 | The One Protocol That Will Always Illuminates Your Path of Joy: 11:32 | Podcast Theme Outro: 13:43
What is your path of joy? How is joy your inspiration; leading you on your journey through life? Where in your physical being do you feel joy? How does joy reveal itself to you?
For my client Sarah, joy became a desired longing and a precious gift the longer that she remained out of joy.
In our session, Sarah reminded herself of her path of joy – of how it felt as the energy of lightness and ease and of the happiness.
Joy is experienced in the simple and deliberate expressions of gratitude and abundance. Joy is always with you. It is easily accessible as you acknowledge its existence and as you hold a place in your heart for its infinite love in the present moment ~ and in your pure witnessing of it.
The beauty of joy is that it acts as a road map for the expression of happiness and the inner fulfillment that honors your heart in light of your moment by moment choices.
Sarah would need to be wholly honest with herself to reclaim her path of joy. You need to do the same. We all do. Joy is easily accessible. It is the acknowledgement of all that you are in appreciation of, and the kindness you hold in your thoughts and words for yourself and others.
Joy lived in Sarah’s expression of honesty and acknowledgement of what she needed to be happy.
Could you live in your expression of self-honesty? Could you follow what is truly your right path, moment by moment?
*My client’s name has been changed to maintain confidentiality.
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honor your path and your life.
If you would like my help to find your path back to joy and authentic happiness, please reach out to me.
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More J O Y and w i s d o m:
* The Experience of Joy: A Guided Meditation [The Wisdom Archives]
* The Power of Self-Honesty. How Honest Are You Willing To Be? [Podcast Episode S3 E13]
* Peace Unto Me: A Meditation [The Wisdom Archives]
* The Intention You Bring to All You Do Is How You Live in Happiness [Podcast Episode S2 E61]
* How to Live As Love [YouTube Video]
* The Kindness Challenge [Read The WISDOM BLOG post here]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love [Podcast Episode]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
The Cycle of Abuse Stops With You | The WISDOM podcast | S3 E34
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
'ask dorothy'
The Cycle of Abuse Stops With You | A Real Life Client Story
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 34
- There is no power in abuse. -
Ross’s* story is one of psychological and verbal abuse and the damaging effects that cast a pattern of believing and living as a victim.
To live your life entrenched in the sadness and suffering of your past is to carry the baggage of victimhood with you.
This inner and often outer label that you have given yourself imparts confusion and self-doubt. Its mark is one of unworthiness and feeling undeserving of love.
You struggle with this because at your core, you know that you are worthy. It is just that it can be difficult to find and feel evidence for this.
The damage inflicted by a repetitive cycle of the trauma of abuse is not entirely known until some later time in our life in which we find ourselves reliving the pattern ~ the experience ~ the rhythm ~ quite innocently.
The nature of abuse that begins in childhood can be concealed with the cursory titles of ‘father’ and ‘mother’ ~ of caregiver, family member, elder, sibling, and ‘family friend’.
It becomes confusing when a parent or another caregiver is the abuser because this person is supposed to be a protector of our safety and a nurturer of our care and love.
As you are listening, this episode will help define your experience. Having a name for the behaviour that you were the recipient of, will give you the ability to better understand why this relationship has been so damaging and why you have continued to suffer.
This is how you heal from the damage you have suffered. You heal first as you name the abuse and then as you choose to no longer live it.
I recognize that this may be a new way of thinking about what has caused you to suffer.
You may in your journey of healing also wish to speak with someone who can help you reclaim your power.
If you would like my help as you stop the cycle of abuse and to what you have suffered, please reach out to me. Let me help.
*The name of my client and others, have been changed to maintain confidentiality. The situations of his story are real and truthful.
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honour your path and your life.
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
I would love to hear from you!!
Drop me your comments and/or questions and send your love and best rating on this or any episode!! Thank you so much!
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More h e a l i n g and w i s d o m:
* How to Live As Love [YouTube Video]
* The Dangers of Self-Sacrifice [Podcast Episode]
* The Voice of Trauma [Podcast Episode]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love [Podcast Episode]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
'ask dorothy'
The NEW PROTOCOL for Goal Achievement
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 30
~ "Goals are the inner desires and yearnings of your heart that when aligned with the conscious mind, body, and the soul, become the unstoppable force that propels you into your greatness - already awaiting." ~
Two questions that I often hear from clients are:
What is the most successful method to use when goal setting?
Is there a specific protocol I should be following for achieving the best results?
Indeed there is. Let me share my answers with you.
Whether you are working on setting new goals or reaching existing ones; whether you have been on a self-directed journey or we are working in collaboration towards your goals, this is for you.
In this episode, I break down a next-level protocol for goal achievement and the simple tool that will bring you into alignment with what you most desire. This will change how you think about setting and achieving your goals.
How are you standing in your own way?
What one element do you need to step into alignment with to make your goal a reality?
What can make it easier for your mind and body to follow the path you are already on?
Can you allow the soul to guide you and lead your actions?
To help you answer these questions, we've create a PDF tool to guide you in your goal setting. It's a printable worksheet to use in realizing your goals by achieving balance of mind, body and soul. You can get your copy here.
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honour your path and your life.
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
Therapy and Life Coaching Resources:
* Perseverance [Podcast Episode Season 3]
* The Power of Self-Honesty: How Honest Are You Willing To Be? [Podcast Episode Season 3]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Perseverance | The WISDOM podcast | S3 E26
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 26
"Perseverance aligned with chosen destiny and clear heartfelt desire is where the magic happens."
The textbook definition of perseverance is: the continued effort to do and/or achieve something. It is determination, steadfastness and adherence despite difficulty, failure or opposition.
Perseverance encapsulates the skills of clarity – of knowing what you want and being willing to pursue this including all of what you learn about yourself in the process.
The skill of discipline is necessary for perseverance; for knowing what it means to show up and to do the work towards all that you desire.
You can be crystal clear about your goals and what you need to do but it is the action together with the discipline for seeing and living this process that awakens you to the challenge of what is needed.
Discipline is also how you boldly complete your action (steps) with conviction because you know that it is the daily actions that become the lifetime of success and rewards that you live.
What do you need to persevere?
What skills, positive habits, clarity of mind, decisiveness, resolve, belief?
What is one thing that you are persevering now?
What actions best support you?
What would you define as the skills and the mindset of perseverance?
- Is it positive attitude?
- Is it assessment of what is most important to you and why?
- Is it owning your value and worth?
- Is it being of love in the world?
- Is it dedication to follow a right plan and a path and to always do the right thing?
- Is it to be unstoppable?
- Is it to focus on the end goals – and what you will accomplish today, this week, month, this year?
Why do you need to persevere at this (at this one thing or many things)?
Do you want something? Are you seeking to become something?
If you would like my help as you persevere to complete your goals, and as you wish to live a more spiritual life, please reach out to me. namaste! 🙏
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyzennuriyejuno.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More l o v e and w i s d o m:
* How to Live As Love [YouTube Video]
* Balance as the Trilogy of Mind-Body-and Soul. [Podcast Episode]
* The Kindness Challenge [The WISDOM BLOG]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love [Podcast Episode]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Build A Positive Sense of Self:
8 Wildly Important ‘Best Practices' to Live By
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 18
“You can check in with all of those who love you; whose love is unconditional and unwavering but the true feeling of certainty is born out of the love that you liberate yourself unto.” - dorothy zennuriye juno
Your positive sense of self is the means by which you live - awakened to know and appreciate all of the aspects that define you; in the context of how you witness yourself in the world, self-honest and willing to live honorably – to do the right thing – because this is how you experience yourself as a being of love.
In psychology, sense of self refers to your conceptualization of the collection of characteristics that define you.
Personality traits, abilities and skills, your likes and dislikes, your belief system, your morals and values, what motivates you — how you view yourself in relationships and your perception of how others relate to and receive you. These all contribute to self-esteem and your unique identity as a person.
There are many natural and organic ways that each one of us develops our sense of self beginning with our early childhood. With the known research in neural plasticity, we have the ability to change our sense of self; to develop a more positive and certainly a healthier sense of who we are.
In this episode we discuss what it means to have a healthy and strong sense of self – one that exists because of the relationship you build and nurture with yourself. This is the most important relationship you will ever have. It begins the true awakening of what lies within – what you are beyond the physical and your mind.
Sense of self is achieved by developing the means by which you can be comfortable and content in your own company and to enjoy the companionship of yourself.
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
Your Positive Sense of Self - Up levelled:
* Who Am I? (Part One) [YouTube Video]
* Know Yourself Best: Who Am I Becoming? (Part Two) [YouTube Video]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Sunday Jan 09, 2022
LIVE AS LOVE. Do These 3 Things. | The WISDOM podcast | S3 E12
Sunday Jan 09, 2022
Sunday Jan 09, 2022
LIVE AS LOVE. Do These 3 Things
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 12
- a heartfelt plan if you looking to reconnect with yourself, and as you grow along your spiritual path -
These three best practices are to help you begin each day in balance and on the right footing; to shift your perspective and to focus yourself on what is most important.
The beauty of each best practice whether used in conjunction with one another or unto themselves and as their inherent power will return you to your divine state – each and every time you embody these.
If you’ve been wondering how you can bring more joy, more love, more light into your life, these three best practices are the way in which you open yourself to the god source.
You open yourself to live as the divine; as the energy of pure and unconditional love; as you hold deliberate intention and as you open your heart to this.
All of us are on a spiritual path. When you merge your physical reality with your experience as a spiritual being, you embrace the wisdom of the love you hold in your heart as a metaphor for how you live.
Embody the practice of living as love.
Allow the energy of the divine – your soul consciousness – to open you to love and to being love.
And if you would like my help as you navigate this new year in your life; to find and reach your greatness, your goals, your personal triumphs.... please reach out to me. namaste! 🙏
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More l o v e and w i s d o m:
* How to Live As Love [YouTube Video]
* The Kindness Challenge [Read The WISDOM BLOG post here]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love [Podcast Episode]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
'ask dorothy'
The Snow Globe Effect: Transformation and Change | A Real Life Client Story
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 9
- A special episode for anyone who has faced the ending of a love relationship -
If you are listening because you have recently gone through a life change that was or was not decided by you; it can easily be overwhelming. It can cause you to question your life and what choices you have made and whether you need to rethink everything.
Change is being imposed upon us all of the time. Our lives become more abundant through the change sought through desire, growth, opportunity, new thoughts, and actions. Some change when we label it as: bad, unjust, wrong, only makes it more difficult to accept and navigate as a life experience that is causing us to break open; to think and feel and live beyond what we have - until now.
Therein is the snow globe effect - our world as we know it – shaken upside down for a time; not forever. Then as we watch in anticipation and wonder, we see the snow fall; filling all of the space inside the snow globe, delighting us in the magic of what we are witness to; creating a beautiful scene with nothing more than the simple action of movement; of changing the form of what already is -to reveal so much beauty.
In this episode I share the story of my clients Harold and Delia; and how heartfelt desire and self-honesty is necessary for the change that becomes our personal transformation. Join me!
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honour your path and your life.
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here:
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here:
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More Personal Transformation and Love right here:
* The Kindness Challenge [Read The WISDOM BLOG post here]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love [Podcast Episode]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
P R E S E N C E | The WISDOM podcast | S2 Bonus Episode 3
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
p r e s e n c e
The WISDOM podcast S2 Bonus Episode 3
Here I offer the ways in which to think about presence during meditation and how to live in a state of presence in the moments of your life.
Presence teaches you how to willfully enjoy life’s moments, how to allow them in; to accept what they have to offer; to flourish in the experience of them, and to trust that everything by means of each singular moment is meaningful; each moment is significant.
When you practice presence, you become attuned to what is around you. You become more aware of the inward dwelling space of your inner being; and what allows you to witness yourself – your true nature – as the purest aspect of what you are.
Try this simple practice of presence for a moment with me. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing. Soften into what you feel. Notice your heartbeat beneath the hand that you gently hold unto your heart center.
Presence is about joining in the moments of your life as they are already unfolding; and riding the wave of each moment; being one with them.
It is in this way that the practice of presence opens you. It draws you into the richness of the life you are living; and for seeing and experiencing more.
Sending you great love....
More Spiritual Love, More P R E S E N C E...
Watch the Video: The New Consciousness
The Spiritual Practice of p r e s e n c e [ The WISDOM podcast S2 E23]
The Practice of P R E S E N C E [The WISDOM BLOG]
The Ultimate Self-Love Toolkit
Visit The School of WISDOM here
Check out my Free Online Course: The Four Essential Principles of Meditation
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Chakra WISDOM: Your Anja Chakra | The WISDOM podcast | S2 E82
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Chakra WISDOM: Your Anja Chakra
The WISDOM podcast Season 2 Episode 82
Welcome to this sacred journey into the chakras. Each of the seven major chakras that we explore together in this series, influence and govern accompanying areas of the body as well as emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual states that impact our path into the self.
The chakras are vertically aligned, running from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. At each stage we gain a more refined understanding of personal and spiritual power. Each chakra represents a spiritual life-lesson or challenge common to all human beings. Mastering the lessons inherent in each chakra, we gain wisdom, empowerment and self-knowledge that becomes integrated into our spirit, advancing us along our path towards spiritual consciousness.
Here, as with the other episodes in this 7-part series, I take lead from the work of experts, one of whom is Carolyn Myss. She is a medical intuitive and one of my longtime favorite authors. Her book: ‘Anatomy of the Spirit. The Seven Stages of Power and Healing’ is a beautiful read of the chakra system and from where I directly quote and reference much of the teachings for the third chakra; our focus of this episode.
The sixth chakra involves our mental and reasoning abilities, and our psychological skill at evaluating our beliefs and attitudes. Often referred to as the third eye or mind's eye, the Anja or brow chakra is the command center for your subtle body. Located just above and between your eyebrows, this chakra resonates to the energies of our psyches, our conscious and unconscious psychological forces.
Within Eastern spiritual literature, the sixth chakra is the spiritual center in which the interaction of mind and psyche can lead to intuitive sight and wisdom. Attention and meditation on this chakra bestow wisdom, clarity of vision and increased intuition, allowing you to begin to see life's bigger picture.
The Anja chakra presides over your mind and your sense of self. Although this chakra strictly speaking has no element associated with it, the mind could be thought of as the brow chakra's element, since the mind controls the senses and vital energy. Of all the chakras, the energy here has the most powerful effect on your personality.
This chakra is the seat of your judgment, your emotional intelligence and your notion of reality, rationality and wisdom.
Six spiritual 'powers' are associated with this chakra: (1) unobstructed meditation, (2) perfect concentration, (3) the ability to direct your undivided attention, (4) thought-control, (5) samadhi or the super-conscious state, (6) and the attainment of enlightenment.
Be sure to take part in the guided meditation that closes out this episode. It is a beautiful experience in balancing the beautiful sacred energy of this chakra. 🧘♀️💜 Namaste!
Resources on the Anja Chakra:
Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing - Author: Caroline Myss
Eastern Mind Western Body: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self - Author: Anodea Judith
The Rainbow Bridge: Seven Steps to Self Healing - Author: Dr. Brenda Davies
The Origin of the Chakra System
Your Muladhara Chakra [Podcast Episode]
Your Manipura Chakra [Podcast Episode]
Your Swadhisthana Chakra [Podcast Episode]
Your Anahata Chakra [Podcast Episode]
Your Vishuddha Chakra [Podcast Episode]
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram
More Resources and Love:
* This Is What Therapy Can Do For You [Podcast Episode]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternellwww.eternell.net/album/illuvia