Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
The Violence That We Cause Others | ’ask dorothy’ | The WISDOM podcast | S3 E40
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
The Violence That We Cause Others
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 40
~ Ahimsa is inclusive of not hurting yourself with negative or critical thoughts or actions and not hurting someone else with your thoughts and intentions, nor with actions or words. ~
In Sunday’s episode we began a five part series and a deep dive into the Yamas –The Yamas are the first limb or path of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and they together with the Niyamas reveal yoga’s ethical guidelines and a foundation to living masterfully.
If you are interested in developing your spiritual wisdom, if you are looking to gain the skills to choose the right attitude and mindset, the right thoughts and actions to live fulfilled and to take ownership of your life, and the right guidance to move effortlessly and with the wisdom that frees you to live both peaceful and full of joy, I invite you to join me for the series on each of the five yamas beginning with that of ahimsa ~ nonviolence.
The first yama – ahimsa – is the Sanskrit word that translates as nonviolence.
Here I share four practices to help you embody a life of non-violence – directed towards yourself, others, and the world.
As I study each of these yamas in support of my own yoga practice and also in continuing to raise my consciousness, I realize how ahimsa is truly the most important of the five yamas as it is the foundation that directs us to live in a way that first teaches us what nonviolence truly means.
You may feel the significance of this auspicious discipline as something that must be top of mind each day. You may be surprised to learn of the many ways that violence is beyond the obvious physical actions that cause harm or suffering.
Here, let me dive deeper into the everyday challenges of life by addressing what precipitates our tendencies toward violence.
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, connect with me here: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More WISDOM and Non-Violence:
* The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice [Book by Deborah Adele]
* APARIGRAHA ~ Non-Attachment [Podcast S3 E47] * The Yamas Series: 5/5
* BRAHMACHARYA ~ Non-Excess [Podcast S3 E45] * The Yamas Series: 4/5
* ASTEYA ~ Non-Stealing [Podcast S3 E43] * The Yamas Series: 3/5
* SATYA ~ Truthfulness [Podcast S3 E41] * The Yamas Series: 2/5
* AHIMSA ~ Nonviolence [Podcast S3 E39] * The Yamas Series: 1/5
* How Do I Become Whole? [Podcast Episode S2 E56]
* Forgiveness IS F R E E D O M [Podcast Episode S3 E35]
* Self-Love is 'Being Love' [Podcast Episode S3 E29]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1 Episode 1]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Self-Discipline Is Your Superpower ’ask dorothy’ | The WISDOM podcast | S3 E38
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
'ask dorothy'
Self-Discipline Is Your Superpower | A Real Life Client Story
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 38
- Self-discipline is you acting on your greater conscience to do the right thing – for yourself and in any situation. -
I think of self-discipline as a superpower because it is precisely what brings the inertia into the present moment for you to take action. It is what stops the chatter of the mind and overrides the old scripts that you replay with new language, the determination that says quite instinctively, “I can do this” and “I am doing this.”
Self-discipline could be exactly what you are missing and what keeps you from living your life in the way that you deeply desire.
So to ask yourself: ‘How self-disciplined am I?’ Be wholly honest with your answer. and ‘Where in my life do I need to be more self-disciplined and how?’ These make great journal prompts for you to better self-examine the areas of your life that need self-discipline.
Self-discipline is so important that it is the single identifying criteria as to whether you get things done and in a timely manner.
Self-discipline stops the procrastination effect and the relinquishing of responsibility and it is the solution if you’ve ever struggled with unproductive or self-sabotaging habits that limit your potential.
In this episode we take a deep dive into the mechanisms that you need to build self-discipline; including how to up level your self-discipline in a way that supercharges your decisions and the actions you take ~ to support you in all of the best practices that you will live.
And if you are a parent, this episode will be helpful as it reminds you of the importance of setting the right example because your children will see the incongruity between what you say and what you do. Your actions speak louder than your words. Your children will learn the habits that you hold including a lack of self-discipline.
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honour your path and your life.
To help you up level your self-discipline, please let me help you live your truth.
*The name of my client and the names of her parents have been changed to maintain confidentiality.
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More Self-Discipline and w i s d o m:
* Why You Need Self-Mastery ['ask dorothy' Podcast Episode S3 E8]
* Self-Regulation IS Self-Mastery ['ask dorothy' Podcast Episode S2E63]
* The Power of Self-Honesty. How Honest Are You Willing To Be? [Podcast Episode S3 E13]
* The Intention You Bring to All You Do Is How You Live in Happiness [Podcast Episode S2 E61]
* How to Live As Love [YouTube Video]
* The Kindness Challenge [Read The WISDOM BLOG post here]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
'ask dorothy'
What is Your Path of Joy? | A Real Life Client Story
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 36
- The beauty of joy is that it acts as a road map for the expression of happiness and the inner fulfillment that honors your heart in light of your moment by moment choices. -
Podcast Theme Intro: 0-1:32 | An Intro to this Episode and A Memory of 'Joy' of My Life: | What is Your Path of Joy? Question For Your Contemplation: 2:53 | My Client Sarah*: 5:04 | Sarah's Path of Joy: 6:42 | How Joy is Experienced: 9:10 | How Sarah Would Reclaim Her Path of Joy: 9:55 | The One Protocol That Will Always Illuminates Your Path of Joy: 11:32 | Podcast Theme Outro: 13:43
What is your path of joy? How is joy your inspiration; leading you on your journey through life? Where in your physical being do you feel joy? How does joy reveal itself to you?
For my client Sarah, joy became a desired longing and a precious gift the longer that she remained out of joy.
In our session, Sarah reminded herself of her path of joy – of how it felt as the energy of lightness and ease and of the happiness.
Joy is experienced in the simple and deliberate expressions of gratitude and abundance. Joy is always with you. It is easily accessible as you acknowledge its existence and as you hold a place in your heart for its infinite love in the present moment ~ and in your pure witnessing of it.
The beauty of joy is that it acts as a road map for the expression of happiness and the inner fulfillment that honors your heart in light of your moment by moment choices.
Sarah would need to be wholly honest with herself to reclaim her path of joy. You need to do the same. We all do. Joy is easily accessible. It is the acknowledgement of all that you are in appreciation of, and the kindness you hold in your thoughts and words for yourself and others.
Joy lived in Sarah’s expression of honesty and acknowledgement of what she needed to be happy.
Could you live in your expression of self-honesty? Could you follow what is truly your right path, moment by moment?
*My client’s name has been changed to maintain confidentiality.
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honor your path and your life.
If you would like my help to find your path back to joy and authentic happiness, please reach out to me.
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More J O Y and w i s d o m:
* The Experience of Joy: A Guided Meditation [The Wisdom Archives]
* The Power of Self-Honesty. How Honest Are You Willing To Be? [Podcast Episode S3 E13]
* Peace Unto Me: A Meditation [The Wisdom Archives]
* The Intention You Bring to All You Do Is How You Live in Happiness [Podcast Episode S2 E61]
* How to Live As Love [YouTube Video]
* The Kindness Challenge [Read The WISDOM BLOG post here]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love [Podcast Episode]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
The Cycle of Abuse Stops With You | The WISDOM podcast | S3 E34
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
'ask dorothy'
The Cycle of Abuse Stops With You | A Real Life Client Story
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 34
- There is no power in abuse. -
Ross’s* story is one of psychological and verbal abuse and the damaging effects that cast a pattern of believing and living as a victim.
To live your life entrenched in the sadness and suffering of your past is to carry the baggage of victimhood with you.
This inner and often outer label that you have given yourself imparts confusion and self-doubt. Its mark is one of unworthiness and feeling undeserving of love.
You struggle with this because at your core, you know that you are worthy. It is just that it can be difficult to find and feel evidence for this.
The damage inflicted by a repetitive cycle of the trauma of abuse is not entirely known until some later time in our life in which we find ourselves reliving the pattern ~ the experience ~ the rhythm ~ quite innocently.
The nature of abuse that begins in childhood can be concealed with the cursory titles of ‘father’ and ‘mother’ ~ of caregiver, family member, elder, sibling, and ‘family friend’.
It becomes confusing when a parent or another caregiver is the abuser because this person is supposed to be a protector of our safety and a nurturer of our care and love.
As you are listening, this episode will help define your experience. Having a name for the behaviour that you were the recipient of, will give you the ability to better understand why this relationship has been so damaging and why you have continued to suffer.
This is how you heal from the damage you have suffered. You heal first as you name the abuse and then as you choose to no longer live it.
I recognize that this may be a new way of thinking about what has caused you to suffer.
You may in your journey of healing also wish to speak with someone who can help you reclaim your power.
If you would like my help as you stop the cycle of abuse and to what you have suffered, please reach out to me. Let me help.
*The name of my client and others, have been changed to maintain confidentiality. The situations of his story are real and truthful.
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honour your path and your life.
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
I would love to hear from you!!
Drop me your comments and/or questions and send your love and best rating on this or any episode!! Thank you so much!
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More h e a l i n g and w i s d o m:
* How to Live As Love [YouTube Video]
* The Dangers of Self-Sacrifice [Podcast Episode]
* The Voice of Trauma [Podcast Episode]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love [Podcast Episode]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
'ask dorothy'
The NEW PROTOCOL for Goal Achievement
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 30
~ "Goals are the inner desires and yearnings of your heart that when aligned with the conscious mind, body, and the soul, become the unstoppable force that propels you into your greatness - already awaiting." ~
Two questions that I often hear from clients are:
What is the most successful method to use when goal setting?
Is there a specific protocol I should be following for achieving the best results?
Indeed there is. Let me share my answers with you.
Whether you are working on setting new goals or reaching existing ones; whether you have been on a self-directed journey or we are working in collaboration towards your goals, this is for you.
In this episode, I break down a next-level protocol for goal achievement and the simple tool that will bring you into alignment with what you most desire. This will change how you think about setting and achieving your goals.
How are you standing in your own way?
What one element do you need to step into alignment with to make your goal a reality?
What can make it easier for your mind and body to follow the path you are already on?
Can you allow the soul to guide you and lead your actions?
To help you answer these questions, we've create a PDF tool to guide you in your goal setting. It's a printable worksheet to use in realizing your goals by achieving balance of mind, body and soul. You can get your copy here.
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honour your path and your life.
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
Therapy and Life Coaching Resources:
* Perseverance [Podcast Episode Season 3]
* The Power of Self-Honesty: How Honest Are You Willing To Be? [Podcast Episode Season 3]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
'ask dorothy'
How to Release the Trauma You've Been Keeping. Emotional Intelligence and Trauma | A Real Life Client Story
Part 3/3 on Emotional Intelligence
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 24
Warning: Sensitive Content
~ Your past trauma does not define you. ~
Here in Part Three of this series, we discuss how trauma impacts emotional reactivity – namely, situations where you are triggered based on a previous trauma - thereby causing the same or a similar heightened emotional reaction.
How well you react in a present moment situation that is triggered by a past trauma is reflected in your level of emotional intelligence.
Since trauma can alter brain functioning and therefore our ability to regulate emotions, we dive into how the brain is impacted by trauma and the importance of neuroplasticity - making it possible to re-wire our brain, to learn healthy coping responses and to change your fear reaction in perceived and real situations of stress.
Thank you so much for joining me in this 3-part series on emotional intelligence. Please share out each of these episodes with a loved one who could be helped by building greater emotional intelligence.
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honour your path and your life.
If you would like my help to build your Emotional Intelligence as one part of your plan to overcome the reactions of a traumatic experience, please reach out to me. namaste! 🙏
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
Emotional Intelligence and Trauma Resources:
* Part 1/3: Your Emotional Self Needs to Learn This [Podcast Episode]
* Part 2/3: Somewhere Between the Rage and the Silence: Mastering Self-Regulation [Podcast Episode]
* Mindfulness Practice in the Treatment of Traumatic Stress [National Centre for PTSD]
* Why Taking a Deep Breath Feels Good [Medium]
* Your Vagus Nerve [Online Resource]
* The Amygdala Hijack [Online Resource]
* Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman [Book]
* Emotional Alchemy by Tara Bennett-Goleman [Book]
* Developing Emotional Intelligence [YouTube Video]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Somewhere Between The Rage and the Silence: Mastering Self-Regulation
'ask dorothy' | A Real Life Client Story
Part 2/3 on Emotional Intelligence
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 19
"Self-Regulation is one of the five basic competencies of emotional intelligence."
Does This Sound Familiar? 0-1:33 | Podcast Theme Intro: 1:34 | How You Learned Emotional Dysregulation: 4:12 | Your Amygdala Hijacking: 5:32 |The Role of Your Frontal Lobes in Self-Control: 6:39 | What Makes You Emotionally Intelligent: 7:48 | My Client Gary and wife Silvana: 9:45 | What is Your Typical Emotional Reaction? 13:13 | The 3 Best Skills of Self-Regulation: 13:34 | 1. Breath and Your Vagus Nerve: 15:13 | 2. Self-Assessment: 17:15 | 3. Self-Regulation Strategy: 18:27 | Let's Dive Deeper Together: 22:04 | Podcast Theme Outro: 23:04
What if you grew up in a household where one parent would lose their cool a lot?
They would yell at the top of their lungs whether in general frustration or as a means of calling attention to something that you or one of your siblings wasn’t doing or was doing that you shouldn’t be.
What if both parents did that and it became a normative culture to witness raised voices every time someone was frustrated or angry?
What if yelling by one or both parents was taught as acceptable based on the rationalization that ‘yelling is the only way for me to get you to listen.”
Or, perhaps in your home you witnessed one or both parents blaming another person or a situation for how they feel. For example, making an external condition the source of one’s stress rather than looking to one’s thoughts and perceptions as the cause of one’s feelings.
We all have experiences growing up of how difficult emotions were demonstrated.
Anger, sadness and anxiety are the three most common emotions that we struggle with.
How you learned to express your emotions is largely a facet of what you were taught; what was shown repeatedly and what therefore became normalized.
Welcome to part two in this three part series on Emotional Intelligence. I would like to set the record by stating we all have learned from our caregivers how to display emotions.
Whether inappropriate and unhealthy such as in the examples I cited earlier, or as in some households, at first glance it would seem that no one ever gets angry.
Everyone seems so pleasant and calm. In some families difficult and unwanted emotions are rarely shared and expressed openly.
You may have learned to choke back what you feel; to store it away; to not let others really know what is bothering you, or how angry you really are.
In part one of this series on Emotional intelligence, I shared my client Anastasia’s story of how one situation – one critical moment became the tipping point that changed her life forever; and that became the precipice for building what was an absence of emotional regulation and other basic competencies such as empathy and self-awareness.
If you haven’t yet, please listen next to part one, and then join me as we wrap up this series in part three and the true story of another client – and how in honing the skills (the competencies) of emotional intelligence, helped to overcome the experiences of their past trauma.
Here in part two, I share the impact of emotional dysregulation as it specifically relates to living in a state of constant amygdala hijacking and how the psychological stresses (whether real or imagined) can create a feedback loop of reacting to stress.
You are about to meet my client Gary* and his wife Silvana*. Each member of this couple was in a constant state of dysregulation - and both triggered by the other's reaction to their expression of emotion.
To help, I share the three best strategies (used in conjunction with each other) to successfully self-regulate emotions. If you've ever lost control of your emotions, you'll want to learn these effective strategies!! Join me!
* The names of my clients (and their loved ones) have been changed to maintain confidentiality.
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honour your path and your life.
If you would like my help as you build these five competencies of EI (emotional intelligence) please reach out to me. namaste! 🙏
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
Emotional Intelligence Learning and Love:
* Part 1/3: Your Emotional Self Needs to Learn This [Podcast Episode]
* Why Taking a Deep Breath Feels Good [Medium]
* Your Vagus Nerve [Online Resource]
* The Amygdala Hijack [Online Resource]
* Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman [Book]
* Emotional Alchemy by Tara Bennett-Goleman [Book]
* Developing Emotional Intelligence [YouTube Video]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Your Emotional Self Needs to Learn This
'ask dorothy' | A Real Life Client Story
Part 1/3
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 17
- This may be the missing piece to your life. -
An Intro to this Episode: 0-2:11 | An Introduction to My Client: 4:50 | Podcast Theme Intro: 2:12 | The Five Basic Competencies of EI: 11:13 | Self-Awareness: 11:41 | Self-Regulation: 14:57 | Internal Motivation: 18:59 | Empathy: 22:18 | Social Skills: 24:24 | Podcast Theme Outro: 27:14
Sometimes the dialogue in a therapy and coaching session takes us in a different direction. That’s important – actually its critical, because it means that we are expanding in whatever wisdom, guidance, help, and reprieve one can receive. And it means that you are being stretched beyond your comfort zone to places that you need to go; you need to learn about and grow.
In this first of this three part series, dedicated to learning the skills of emotional intelligence, we dive into the story of my client Anastasia.
We also review the five basic competencies of emotional intelligence and the ways in which you can build and strengthen your emotional intelligence, and why you will want to.
Emotional Intelligence was developed as a psychological theory in an article written in 1990 by Peter Salovey and John Mayer which they defined as:
“The ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth.”
In this three part ‘ask dorothy’ series on Emotional Intelligence, I share three very different client stories; each of which highlights what so many of us continue to struggle with: a lack of emotional connection, loneliness and separation from self that can spiral out into other mental health challenges such as, a lack of motivation, withdrawal and isolation, a loss of control, anger, depression, suicidal thoughts, and reckless and risk-taking behavior including abuse of drugs and alcohol.
Your emotional intelligence is something that you can up-level to be more resilient in times of stress and hardship, to practice more of what you love by choice, to have greater clarity of a situation and of what you need to do; and to be able to better identify and express your true thoughts and feelings.
Join me!
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honour your path and your life.
If you would like my help as you build these five competencies of EI (emotional intelligence) please reach out to me. namaste! 🙏
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyzennuriyejuno.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More emotional intelligence and love right here:
* Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman [Book]
* Emotional Alchemy by Tara Bennett-Goleman [Book]
* Developing Emotional Intelligence [YouTube Video]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
'ask dorothy'
Seeking Love. | A Real Life Client Story
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 15
- Because knowing your beauty is far more valuable than being told of it. -
This client story may resonate with you because it illuminates an important theme in all of our lives; and perhaps most important for all women who have at one time or another looked to their father or any man for reassurance, approval, acceptance and love.
In this episode of ‘ask dorothy’, I highlight my client’s journey into self-approval and self-love and how she arrived here; her father’s absence in her life and the real experience of abandonment by him that she continued to carry the burden of even though rationally she knew that her father left her mother - and not her.
For my client Samantha, it was about proving herself worthy of love and going above and beyond in each of her love relationships, often to the extent of forfeiting her personal needs in order to find and feel love - love that was always going to be external to her, and love that was often conditional because Samantha was choosing men that unknowingly to her, were much like her father – emotionally unavailable and not skilled in being able to express and connect using their communication of feelings.
As a young girl, a daughter looks to a father for how she is valued and received by members of the opposite gender – not in a sexual way, but rather to feel pretty and beautiful and to be commended for one’s intelligence, confidence, grace, strength, perseverance, and any other of the positive qualities that empower a woman.
If a girl’s confidence is encouraged, if she is supported to use her voice, to stand by her morals, to not settle or acquiesce to other’s ideals, then a father (and a mother) have done well to raise an independent and self-assured female who is confident in her pursuit in life.
Please check out the list of resources below for all of the goods including The Ultimate Self-Love toolkit.
If you would like my help to feel love from within, and to make this your regular state of being, please reach out to me. namaste! 🙏
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More l o v e and w i s d o m:
* How to Live As Love [YouTube Video]
* The Kindness Challenge [Read The WISDOM BLOG post here]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love [Podcast Episode]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
'ask dorothy'
The POWER of Self-Honesty: How Honest Are You Willing To Be? | The Questions I ASK of You
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 13
- Think of self-honesty as your superpower. -
How Honest Are You Willing to Be?
It’s a question that arises often in my work with clients and it is a question that I’ve posed and suggested more times than not.
And here are a few others that you will or have already heard me ask...
Is that really true?
Is that completely and wholly honest? and
Are you begin honest with yourself right now?
As I write this I know that it's going to land exactly when you need to hear this message. It's one of the most important values of self that you could develop together with loving-kindness, and respectful behavior that you uphold.
Here’s another thought. You are inherently honest. You learn how to misguide yourself from the truth and it is a conditioned behavior that you are taught early – largely unknowingly.
It’s powerful to practice self-honesty. To be self-honest because this is how you will make the right decisions, even when your decisions will at times challenge you to face your fears, to step up, to be more, to live easier and to feel happy naturally - because in the moments you have nothing to fear, you always have truth to back you.
Join me in this episode of 'ask dorothy' and a little reveal of the questions that I sometimes, or often... ask of YOU.
And a little story of self-honesty from my life. 💜
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honour your path and your life.
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyzennuriyejuno.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here:
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here:
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
More Personal Transformation and Love right here:
* The Kindness Challenge [Read The WISDOM BLOG post here]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love [Podcast Episode]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
'ask dorothy'
What Beliefs Limit You? | A Real Life Client Story
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 11
We all hold core beliefs that impact and influence our thoughts, feelings and behavior.
Each one of us holds beliefs that are absolute truth, as well as beliefs that we continue to be affected by even though we can discern that the belief is unfounded and untrue; that it is what we have been taught or told or conditioned to model, and yet we know there is no basis in truth for our belief.
If you struggle with a behavior and you recognize that your action or inaction is limiting you, take a look at what your beliefs are about whatever you are struggling with.
Often there will be a core belief that is untrue or mostly untrue that you have adopted, causing you to doubt yourself, your abilities, and it holds you back from realizing all of your potential.
In this episode of 'ask dorothy' I share the story of my client Cassie, and how two seemingly innocuous experiences of childhood became the unwritten rules of conduct and behavior that kept her small and afraid to speak her truth.
Join me and discover how you can reclaim what core beliefs never served you, and how rewriting your beliefs free you to live authentic and true.
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honor your path and your life.
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here:
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here:
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More Personal Transformation and Love right here:
* The Kindness Challenge [Read The WISDOM BLOG post here]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love [Podcast Episode]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
'ask dorothy'
The Snow Globe Effect: Transformation and Change | A Real Life Client Story
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 9
- A special episode for anyone who has faced the ending of a love relationship -
If you are listening because you have recently gone through a life change that was or was not decided by you; it can easily be overwhelming. It can cause you to question your life and what choices you have made and whether you need to rethink everything.
Change is being imposed upon us all of the time. Our lives become more abundant through the change sought through desire, growth, opportunity, new thoughts, and actions. Some change when we label it as: bad, unjust, wrong, only makes it more difficult to accept and navigate as a life experience that is causing us to break open; to think and feel and live beyond what we have - until now.
Therein is the snow globe effect - our world as we know it – shaken upside down for a time; not forever. Then as we watch in anticipation and wonder, we see the snow fall; filling all of the space inside the snow globe, delighting us in the magic of what we are witness to; creating a beautiful scene with nothing more than the simple action of movement; of changing the form of what already is -to reveal so much beauty.
In this episode I share the story of my clients Harold and Delia; and how heartfelt desire and self-honesty is necessary for the change that becomes our personal transformation. Join me!
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honour your path and your life.
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here:
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here:
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More Personal Transformation and Love right here:
* The Kindness Challenge [Read The WISDOM BLOG post here]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love [Podcast Episode]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
'ask dorothy'
Why You Need Self-Mastery | A Real Life Client Story
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 8
- A special episode for parents -
“Life happens in the distinct and beautiful way that you name your power; that you hold divine wisdom and truth as the highest standard by which you live; and that nothing limits you when you are seeking all of what is most wanted.”
The timing of this episode is perfect. I have been waiting for just the right moment to share this ‘ask dorothy’ episode of the wisdom podcast with you; and as much as we are about to step into one of the theoretically happiest times of the year; and to give ourselves the gift of relaxation and a healthy balance of social connection; and as we prepare to ride out the last days of this year and to also contemplate new beginnings and hope for a year that is awaiting, the topic of self-mastery is absolutely on point. Because it is something that we all strive for; and that we all need to become even better at.
To take you through the rest of the holiday season, to help you consider your goals for up levelling your life and for ensuing that what you have mastered and are living continues to be an important and distinct part of your life, join me in this episode of ‘ask dorothy’ as we look into the lives of one couple and their family and how even a very difficult situation can always offer the success of personal change and growth that improves the lives of one person and has the magical and compound effect of affecting so many others.
If you have been in search of one specific life skill that will be a game changer for the rest of your life, this is it. Join me as we are about to dive deep into what you need now and what will help you to achieve the rest of what you seek in your life.
Each Tuesday at 8pm EST, I take you on a journey - inside - what happens in a session of Life Coaching and Therapy in the 'ask dorothy' series as we answer the questions that honor your path and your life.
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here:
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here:
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More Self-Mastery and Love right here:
* The Kindness Challenge [Read The WISDOM BLOG post here]
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love [Podcast Episode]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
'ask dorothy'
I AM SPECIAL | A Real Life Client Story
The WISDOM podcast Season 3 Episode 4
My client Jacob was having a difficult time believing that he was special and unique; that in leading with his heart, he was thoughtful, considerate, loving, and kind beyond what was ‘typical’.
We began the topic of what constitutes being 'special' as he expressed his current disappointment in the dating world; and as he lamented his previous love relationship in which, in his words, "despite all that he did" his then partner chose to break up with him.
The definition of "special" is: to be distinguished by some unusual quality; to be other than the usual.
This definition would suggest that each one of us is special as we all have both the inherent qualities that make us unique and different in beautiful ways and we also have the ability to stand out; to go above and beyond in what we do, in what we choose; in how we are different and unique.
When you realize that you are indeed special, your confidence grows as does your ability to feel self-love.
Join me in this episode of 'ask dorothy' and why it's important that you feel special based on what makes you unique and what you offer the world.
Join me here to watch this episode of 'ask dorothy' on my YouTube Channel!
*The name of my client has been changed to maintain confidentiality. His story is real.
Sending you great 💜 love...
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me: dorothy@dorothyratusny.com
Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here
Love in your inbox? Subscribe to my weekly WISDOM Notes here
Visit me on social media💜 : Twitter Instagram Facebook
More Resources and Love:
* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]
* This Is A Self-Love Movement [YouTube Video]
* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit
* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life [The Wisdom Archives]
* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love [Podcast Episode]
* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau radioplato
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia