Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
The Three Secrets of Self-Discipline
The WISDOM podcast Season 1 Episode 13
Podcast Intro: 0-2:16 | Your Self-Discipline is What Sets You Apart From Others: 4:25 | Self-Discipline Encourages Within You... 5:32 | Self-Discipline is a Measure of Your Level of Commitment to Yourself: 8:18 | Self-Discipline is A Life Skill that Defines Your Greatness: 9:37 | Begin Here: 12:47 | The First Secret of Self-Discipline: 14:50 | Your Success Strategy for this First Secret: 16:11 | The Second Secret of Self-Discipline: 18:20 | Your Success Strategy Question for this Second Secret: 21:08 | The Third Secret of Self-Discipline: 22:32 | Guidance for the Success Strategy of this Third Secret: 26:54 | My Recommendation for Your Practice of Self-Discipline to Make It an Ever Present Success Habit: 31:54 | Join the Facebook Group 'LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE... NOW!' for More Support and Guidance: 32:58 | A Preview of Next Week's Episode on Naming Your Sankalpa: 33:54 | Podcast Outro: 35:42
You thrive in self-discipline. Self-discipline is personal power. It is a discernible and distinctly present force that helps you to accomplish what is desired, to make the best and right choices, and to live exuding confidence and self-respect.
TRUTH SERUM: On a daily basis, self-discipline is what you harness that gets you into the gym, it is the voice that says "no" to a choice of eating what food is not healthy; and it is what mobilizes you to seek more for yourself through conscious and deliberate action. But suppose you wanted to wield greater self-discipline easily as a success habit in the daily ever-present moments of your life; and where you need it the most.
A-HA MOMENTS: Because we are the culmination of every conscious or unconscious choice; every thought, every action, every feeling; we need self-discipline to thrive at the highest level; to optimize balance and to propel ourselves along a path of our choosing; where we can feel certain and fulfilled in our choices; and in our destiny; and because self-discipline is what we must teach our children, we must first be this, and in all areas of our life.
PRACTICAL WISDOM: Your self-discipline is what sets you apart from others; it is what makes the difference between getting something finished and doing remarkable work that is beyond what you thought was possible. Self-discipline at this level requires conscious decision-making and the resolve to see all of your goals and dreams realized.
If you wish to have the habit of self-discipline ever-present in your life in a way that you have never felt it before, then I invite you to listen on; and to contemplate the 3 secrets that make self-discipline possible as a consistent optimal life habit that affirms your ideal self. Let these 3 secrets reveal the true purpose of self-discipline and its ever relevant place in your life... and in your heart.
You initially learn self-discipline in childhood. You model the behaviours that you found to be honourable in your caregivers; and this, in addition to what they taught and practised themselves, surmount to what life practices, work ethic, values, and daily habits have become what you do.
Self-discipline encourages within you a sense of responsibility, accountability, high morals and standards, and the ability to accomplish tasks successfully because you have learned the practice of resolve; of deepening your commitment and going within to draw from that discipline in order to produce what is deeply desired. Your achievements and successes continue to build an ever growing confidence, as they feed and nourish you with a sense of achievement and pride that is self-realized.
Self-discipline is mobilized out of conscious habit. You dedicate time and effort towards that which you decide as 'something' you wish to become more competent or skilled at; to have or become that which is important to you. You utilize self-discipline because it is the framework from which you mobilize yourself into decision and action. This could be in regards to a vocation; a creative talent that you are developing, a goal you desire to achieve, a new life practice or lifestyle that you believe in; or a new way of thinking and approaching life that inspires you based on your desire to become more.
By being self-responsible, you understand what it means to uphold commitment, desire, and resilience; even when at times this is not easy. You deepen your resolve - your determination - each time you hold desire and rooted commitment to what is wanted with confidence and drive; and where you hold continued belief and knowing that to fail is not a possibility.
Your positive habits become well equipped life skills that include a requirement of setting the bar high and yet within enough of a reach so that you can continue to be challenged to grow, to become a better version of yourself, and to see the results of the effort that you make - to accomplish, to learn, to transform, because this is your inherent nature. You thrive in self-discipline and the desire to live as your best self.
Self-discipline is a measure of your level of commitment to yourself.
This is why it is so important for you as a parent to teach your children excellent habits and life practices and of course to emulate these in the way that you live. Some examples of this include teaching the importance of completing homework as a priority each day, being helpful and contributing to household chores, and learning important life values such as being kind, respectful and of help to others. When you practice self-discipline, you live with the important and necessary life skills that support you being accountable to your deepest desires. Self-discipline is how you curate the means of having what you want. The secrets and best practices that sustain you in the moments in which you are challenged, and presented with the unexpected; are the habits of self-discipline.
Self-discipline is a life skill that defines your greatness; and allows you to succeed rather than falter. It is the mechanism that upholds you as you envision success, and as you become the ultimate version of yourself.
We can at different times in life, struggle with self-discipline, We may wish to give up certain habits such as to quit smoking, to adopt new habits; such as eat consistently healthy, to eat a plant-based diet; to modify some of our less than productive choices with choices that will serve our highest good; for example to watch less Netflix, to exercise consistently or to raise the bar in achieving an ever greater level of physical fitness. All of these requires that we revisit our well learned habits; that we make a greater commitment to our self; that we hold greater resolve for what is most important; and that we are clear and inclusive of what we want - and of our path to achieving this.
In most cases, self-discipline is a matter of developing the correct mindset and the practical habits that will elevate your existing level of commitment and discipline so that you can reap the highest rewards and benefits; to have all of what you want, and to do so as you continue to grow confidence in your self and your abilities. Self-discipline therefore becomes a way of being that abounds, influencing how you choose to live; and it is the driving force each time you hold yourself accountable to right action and as you follow through on what is most wanted.
Self-discipline is a daily success habit that affects positive change and new outcomes in all areas of your life; serving you at the highest level of your soul consciousness.
How can you become more self-disciplined in order to accomplish and achieve all that is most important to you? How does self-discipline become a necessary asset, a consistent behaviour, a success mindset, and a personal belief that you uphold with ease?
The need for self-discipline comes out of a yearning for more - a desire for improving yourself, upping your game, and wanting more out of life because you are willing to be consistent in your effort - and the right effort.
Begin here. These three secrets represent the necessary strategy to help you develop self-discipline in a new way that will be sustainable as a life skill and a way of being that you can feel proud of. Let self-discipline become a tenable daily life practice, and an inspired personality trait that you can rely on to get things done, to be focused and clear about what you want; and to have the resolve for staying the course - especially when your goals are large and lofty! Pay attention to how your efforts in being disciplined pays off; which helps greatly in bolstering your confidence and success.
I want to share with you these three secrets of self-discipline because when you have these in place; you live with a high level of self-discipline - at all times; and it becomes a way of being that is second nature for you. Using these three secrets is how you mobilize self-discipline most effectively. Most of us, look to enlist our self-discipline in moments when we need an extra push to get something done; or to keep the fires stoked as we work relentlessly towards a larger, lofty goal; but I'm talking about living with an exceptional level of self-discipline that is your 'go to'; that is accessible in every moment because this is what will take you to a new level - of epic success, happiness, fulfillment and purpose - lived daily.
The First Secret: Self-Discipline is Fuelled By Desire. Many people aim to cultivate self-discipline on demand but the truth is, it is your deepest desire of something that will fuel and sustain your discipline as you seek it out and live what is wanted most. Sincere and heartfelt desire fuels impassioned action and the impetus to have what you deem to be 'most' important. The greater the desire for what is wanted, the easier it will be to practice self-discipline, naturally. Consistent self-discipline is what helps you to accomplish and complete tasks and objectives; it helps you to stay on track, and to be resilient as you deal with challenges. But herein is something further, that is not often talked about; it is the self-discipline of how you choose to think about something and your belief in the attainment of it, that holds impact and meaning when your self-discipline includes the most vital means of addressing how you think about what you want. Self-discipline aligned with your core values and belief system is what reinforces the confidence and credence that you hold in yourself, in your abilities, and in knowing that you are capable and deserving of having what you want through what direct means you will take. (e.g. will, deliberate action, and consistent effort to achieve results of what is wanted.)
Your Success Strategy for this First Secret: Here is what you need to know to instill self-discipline as a daily life habit that is of second nature. To remind yourself of the ultimate 'end game' that you want. (i.e. that is, the rewards and achievements that are most desired.) Visualize yourself in the attainment of this desire. Positive outcomes are the result of using your innate discipline, practised as a daily habit together with the success imagery of holding in your mind the ideal that is most wanted. Desire is fuelled by the intense focus on the having of what you want. The best way to do this is to use visualization and the intense focus on what the desired outcome feels like, looks like, is like. As long as you hold strong desire and meaning for why something is important; and as you feel the desire of what is wanted using your senses to create the experience in the present for an aspect of your life that you wish to change or a goal that you wish to accomplish, it will be natural (and easier) to enlist your self-discipline. (This is helpful to keep in mind when you are working on long-term goals where you need to be consistent in your efforts and progress for an extended period of time.) What you desire drives your commitment to being self-disciplined. Remember: What you want must be more important than not having it. This is how self-discipline becomes the catalyst for the success that you seek.
The Second Secret: Plan Your Strategy. Just as you would set up a schedule for completing important tasks, and for ensuring that you are taking the right actions each day towards attaining your goal; planning your strategy is how you sustain self-discipline. (For example, what are the daily steps that will keep you on task, what self-talk and reassurance will you rely on, and what will sustain your motivation, etc). Know what strategies you need to implement in advance - for where you may lose momentum, or should you feel discouraged; where you may be tempted to give in or give up; and plan for how you will succeed using self-discipline in those moments. An example of this is deciding in advance your strategy when attending a dinner party when you have a strict regime for how you are eating. Discipline is not necessarily doing what is difficult or less enjoyable. Discipline is not punishment nor the lack of something. Rather, self-discipline is implementing the important decisions and best practices that will help you to accomplish what you want; without being thwarted in your efforts because you have a plan in place and you are following this regardless of what others may say or do.
- Your Success Strategy Question for this Second Secret: When you plan for the self-disciplined habits that you want to make a regular part of your life, it will be easier to follow your plan, knowing how important discipline is in helping you accomplish what is wanted. In the moments when you are faced with a decision, ask yourself, "What strategy do I need to follow right now that will best support my goal of... ?" (its important also that you name this success or goal inwardly or aloud to re-ignite your desire). And some further relevant and helpful questions to keep you on track - and disciplined: How will I use this strategy to help me stay motivated and on point? How will I plan my day to include self-discipline as a best practice, as self-regulation, and as an ongoing and ever-present way of living my best life?
The Third Secret of Self-Discipline: Follow Through. This can be the most challenging aspect of self-discipline, and yet when you continue to implement this secret, you've tapped into how to execute what is needed without excuses, deliberation, inaction, and whatever else may steer you off course. Your follow through each and every time will on its own, support the momentum that will help see you through to what is most wanted. Think of it like this: You already are disciplined because you have the commitment to accomplish your goals and you have already begun a path towards this. All that you need to do is listen to the inner guiding wisdom of what many refer to as their inner voice or highest self; and follow through with the action steps that will take you from where you are to your end goal. You can hire someone to help you with "follow through", and many do so because it can be a helpful source of enforcement towards taking the right steps towards your ultimate success. Yet, remember that no one is likely with you 24-7 - no one; that you must build the resolve first in your mind with desire, and then as a real present moment experience felt throughout your being using visualization (the first secret of self-discipline), and holding fiercely the end result of what is wanted together with the feelings of having this.
Together with the plan for your strategy to complete your goal successfully, this third secret is the action steps that take you to the finish line. A great way to be the voice of wisdom for yourself, is by asking inward of your highest self (which is the voice of your heart centre - your soul consciousness - and as you follow what inward dwelling answer you receive. At times there will be an answer that may surprise you. Sometimes the best action in a particular moment is not to do anything, especially if the action that you are deliberating is going to self-sabotage your results. Instead, remind yourself of your commitment to your goals; and to yourself, by focusing on the feeling of this goal - achieved. This is important because your feelings evoke action, and therefore the choices that you ultimately make. When you imagine your goal completed (something that we spoke about in the first secret); and accomplished in the best possible way, this allows you to feel successful now. This and all other inspiring and mobilizing feelings that come with imagining what is most important and desired to you, now here in your life, is what propels you. Your self-enforced discipline to see your goals through to completion in made possible by your visualization and as you experience the feelings of this success, now in the present moment and throughout your body. Let the follow through be your inner wisdom; the voice that instructs you to do what is needed; and allow yourself to follow without argument.
As you practice the positive mindset of what is wanted by visualizing yourself in the having of this end goal, you will always be guided to do the right thing.
- Guidance for this Success Strategy: Let your practice of self-discipline be the result of you parenting yourself. This is the actionable strategy that becomes a new way of being for you. Think of this strategy as you in constant conversation with yourself; holding yourself accountable to what is needed, reminding yourself what you need to do and listening to the inner voice of resolve that will guide you to success. That voice of reason may be similar to that of a coach; a mentor, a parent, or a teacher. This inner voice is essentially you parenting and coaching yourself to do the right thing; and then following this - no questions asked. Be the role of parent or coach for yourself, as you provide the messaging and game plan using your inner voice of rational discipline - self-discipline.
- No different than what your caregivers or teachers would have done to ensure that you were successful; as an adult, you need to be the parent and mentor for yourself; to demand your best; to push yourself to do what is needed; to be encouraging and supportive; and yet to enforce a path that has no alternatives, except success. Use your inner voice as the voice of reason and power that rises up from within you. Follow through with question on what you need to do in all moments (even when it would be easier and within your comfort zone to rest on your laurels, even though this is not something that will help you become more, better, excellent).
- Follow through is easier when you remind yourself of the positive benefit to doing the work, to having the results you want because of your resolve and determination. You can see how all three secrets are used interchangeably and consistently to support your self-discipline. Your mindset must be focused entirely in the having of what is wanted; your resolve strong and 'on purpose'. Remind yourself of the importance of follow through; of making different choices even when you would rather do what you have always done. Follow through is taking the positive steps - the action - that sees you through to what you desire most. It is the culmination of each and every action step along a path that results in the accomplishment of what you desire. When you have come away from your plan for self-discipline, simply notice. Be attentive to how you feel. It will never feel as good as when you are on task working towards your most important goals and ideals. Remember that it is less important if you have a temporary setback and have come away from your goal (and your practice of self-discipline) but that you return to these - with vigour, enthusiasm, and a reboot to your commitment, follow through (and discipline) in the very next moment. The positive feeling of returning to self-discipline is empowering and it reminds you of how much better life is when you honour what is needed and necessary to live honourably and on purpose.
Each of these three secrets and their respective strategies used repeatedly is the solution for what will build and reinforce the highest level of self-discipline. This self-discipline as an ongoing life practice, and a learned success habit and personality trait; is a key approach for attaining all that is wanted in your life. I'm going to suggest that with a current goal in mind, that you practice your new habit of self-discipline using these three secrets and strategies for a minimum period of three months. The true science of what it takes to make a new habit a regular behaviour is on average 66 days (but can be anywhere between 18 and 254 days as Phillippa Lally, a health psychology researcher at University College London and her team, published in the European Journal of Social Psychology). I'm suggesting three months of living with your newly formulated level of self-discipline, which by the way you can use to help you with everything; and not just achieving goals; and making positive changes to how you live life. Three months is still a relatively short amount of time when you consider the benefit to you for the rest of your life.
And finally, I want you to be successful in all of the goals that you have determined are most important and valuable based on your heartfelt desires. In addition to this episode of The WISDOM podcast, I'd like to offer you support as you take on honing a new and high level of self-discipline. Join me in my Facebook group: Your Best Life.... NOW! Receive support and guidance from me and others who are upping their game and self-discipline practice to live their best life - now!
For upping your game, please have a look at these additional resources to support a success mindset of ultimate self-discipline. If you would like my help and to work together on this, please reach out to me. Namaste!! xo
The Secret to Achieving All Goals
The Psychology of Being True to Your Word
How Life Mirrors Your Inner Existence
How to Live in the Present Moment: The 3 Success Habits You Need to Know
Work with Me: dorothyratusny.com
Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you...
Podcast Theme Music: 'Aura' from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell www.eternell.net/album/illuvia
Accompanying Music: Ludvig Cimbrelius - Album: Illuviation (dreamsketches) - To See /Livet Kallar Mej / It is Never To Late
A generous 'thank you' to Audio Engineer, Pavel Kirpikau for your incredible help!
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